Friday, April 25, 2008

appearances - question 2

vazquez waits a while to disclose that brian and mickey are actually straight, but she does disclose this fact. i think she waits because as most peopleknow, there is already tons of prejudices and judgments towards homosexuals. so a story like this, as brutal as it is, isnt THAT surprising, because we know that many people have negative viewpoints on them. but i think she does this to demonstrate how important how appearance is - what it does and what it makes people percieve. that even us, the readers can be decieved. andi think she eventually discloses it to show us that even just this man's appearance that could associate him to being gay affects him greatly - affects him to the point that he almost died. and does the anigay violence change in any way when we recognize that sometimes its victims are heterosexual? honestly, to society i think it changes more. all together i dont think so - violence is violence. just like in the 60s and the civil rights movement - when there was plenty of prejudice against blacks - it is awful. there is no excuse for any person to be treated like this - but i think itmakes it more noticable to society when one realizes that the victims are heterosexual, because then they "recognize" that the victims are "innocent," that maybe this is going too far and that there may be much much more under the appearance. but in reality, gay people experience this all the time - they are the victims and these sort of situations need to be empathized with and dealt with when they are happening - not when straights start getting victimized. 

1 comment:

Tina said...

I agree with you completely, especially the part where you say " because then they "recognize" that the victims are "innocent"

I actually wrote something similar to this except that i was afraid to use the word "innocent" for the same reasons that you put the word in quotes. I believe that many people are just uneducated about gays and this leads to prejudice, and many people will feel more of a connection to a person when they find out that they are straight, and therefore will be more "shocked" into helping the cause against this violence.