Monday, May 12, 2008

Do you agree with Joe's desires? Would that be what you wanted in a similar situation?

Joe desires to die. to end this close to death life that he "lives" anyways. i dont blame him for wanting to die. i cant even imagine what kind of life that is anyhow, how bored, how drained, how lonely, confusing, and lost i may feel. how distant, how crazy. like joe says, his knowledge isnt enough. having me just in my own body is not enough. at all. if joe continues to live secluded from the world, in his own mind, his own dreams/reality, i honestly can understand joe and his desires to die. but there is another option, because when joe finally comes into contact with the outside world, and works with himself to be in communication - to have some purpose in his life beyond all of his calculations and thoughts - when he feels the sunrise, he feels vibrations, he taps, he feels, he begins to be somewhat connected to people - i dont agree with him desiring to die. because when he is in connection with people - not only wiht people, but with simply the world and the reality around him - that is a life worth living. that is life. life is not just a secluded world inside your head like the one he lives in during the first half of the book. there is life when there are connections. 

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