Monday, October 13, 2008

Heart of Darkness Blog #5

so this blog is pretty late obviously. BUT here i am. 
I think it is really interesting at the end of the novel how Marlow is set apart from everyone in his story. i mean, when he comes back from Africa to Europe. After he has seen this destruction that Europe has breeded in Africa - the slavery, the insanity, the inhumanity - his perception on life is incredibly different. Unlike his light mindset to go to Africa to see the "blank spaces" and fulfill his adventuresome desires, he feels heavy - he knows more - he is not as ignorant. he has seen more pain and inhumanity in the world than he has ever wanted to see, and it had allowed him to have more knowledge on life. so when he comes back to Europe, it bothers him so much- eats him at the core- when he sees these people go about their own business living their lives. they did not understand the world - understand what was going on to the land and to the people. it ate Marlow at the core. With this, there surely was an inner change in him throughout the novel. and i think that makes the novel very successful and profound when there is that sort of growth. 

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