Thursday, March 26, 2009

King Lear Act 1 Question 3

I am not sure if Lear truly loves Cordelia. Maybe this is too philosophical but i believe if someone gets mad at their loved one for telling them the honest truth about how much they love them. I understand if a child, Cordelia, was disrespectful to Lear about it. But she wasnt. She was  honest and realistic, and she was not manipulating her father to get what she wants like the other daughters. She is honest, loving, and respectful. Lear obviously does not truly "love" Cordelia that much, maybe a sort of love and care in a familial way, but it does not seem true. He simply only wants control over her. i do not think Cordelia was dumb in doing what she did. Yes, her sisters manipulated their father in order to get what they wanted- and in order for the father to hear exactly what he wants to hear - how great he is and how much his daughters love him. i dont think that she is unable to speak - i just think that she is "better' than her two sisters. she is not the type to manipulate and lie to her father in order to compete against her sisters. that does show true charactor. i dont think it is a sign of inability. just a sign of honerable choice. However, i think Lear is unable to hear the truth. he simply wants control and wants flattery. he wants his daughters to serve him and worship him, and when Cordelia says that she loves him a healthy and practical amount, he is flabbergasted and offended. he wants to hear good things abbout him, not the practical truth from his own daughter. Cordelia definitely knows what she's doing, she just has the own character to live by truth rather than greed and lies. she obviously is not like her sisters who are willing to "play the game." as for "the game, " i understand this very well. i used to, and still now, manipulate my parents into getting what i want. especially my mother, i will lie and do what i can, no matter what, to get what i want. it awful. but some of the time, these manipulation tactics do not work. unlike Lear, my parents will want the truth rather than flattery and manipulation, and thats when my game does not work. 

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