Friday, January 30, 2009

Brave New World blog 4

Why is this society so bad?

I think the world is a scary place when all natural morals have been eradicated. A world without God and without Truth. A primary example of this in the novel is the utilizing of sex. Naturally sex was made to reproduce and to create more humans. Here, sex is being used in giant orgies - to feel good and feel happy all the time. Drugs are used to do the same. So what, people are happy all the time and are having sex all the time- so why is this so bad? This makes me ask myself, why is it so bad to go against my morals or more so, not have any? What does it do to me? Even if there is a God, why worry when all my needs are satisfied and taken care of? I know that personally I dont feel purpose. i dont truly have a purpose. i am not fully satisfied. i am not content with my surroundings if i am always trying to fill something up. in this society - they use pneumatic chairs, the feelies, somas - they are constantly using these distractions. 
Where is the individual mind??? The world has come so far up to this point due to the individual mind - whether it be through science, culture, religion, gender, race, literature, art. With this new world, people do not grow - they do not learn - they do not see the world outside of themselves. Everything remains static. Though it may be a "happy" world, it always remains the same. and people do not live to their full potential. humans are capable of so much! the human mind is capable of so much! 
John claims that he DOES stand for tears, laughter, disease, sin, goodness - he wants it all. Because he knows what is natural to the human. Because he believes that there is so much more that comes from complete peace and contentment that goes beyond instant gratification. Working, achieving, experiencing the hard and awful times so that one can see the greater times is so much more personally rewarding than having everything easy. it gives purpose. 
It is also bad, though it is hard to fully explain, of a government actually controlling the world. controlling how people are made. Like I said, the human is so complex, and to have some other person forming and conditioning every human life to fit their needs and their ideas of the world is plainly just messed up. Without the free human mind, the world remains static. What is the point of a world that has so GROWTH. no learning. Why not just end the world pretty soon? for it will always be just the same like this - and people will just be filling their necessary bodily desires. its messed up. 

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