Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Snow Man Poetry Response

I actually kind of like this poem. It took me a couple times reading it to understand what it was trying to say. What i got from this poem is more of a negative outlook on winter - not necessarily negative, but a darker feeling of winter. I believe that at the begining, it starts by saying that one must really know the cold and have been cold a long time to look at all the frozen plants and trees, the "distant" glitter, and all the frost, and not to think of misery. the author is clearly saying that how could you not think of winter as associated with misery? especially when hearing the sound of the few leaves being blown by a full wind. yet the full wind is being blown through a bare land. it is very interesting. there is a deep sense of imagery - i get a complete picture in my mind of white and grey and frost and the cold. The author does  not include any associations to warmth or happiness. the only word of feeling she says is misery, and all the nature she describes results in desolation. she definitely creates a darker sober feeling for the poem. Also, the poem is named the Snow Man. The author definitely uses personification by acting as if this coldness and darkness is a spirit, or a force - which makes the meaning even more complex and deeper - as if someone is putting this cold blanket over the earth - leaving misery. And this misery is there until the SNOW MAN decides to go. I like it for the most part. It is interesting. Makes sense. 

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