Thursday, January 29, 2009

BRAVE NEW WORLD - blog uno

Which aspects of Brave New World's society seemed most relevant in 2009? What most far fetched? Why? 

This is quite a hard question. This first idea is very general but I think society's focus and acceptance of civilization in this society is very similar to that of 2009. Unindustrialized towns and countries are often looked down upon by the majority of the world in today's society. Societies that are industrialized and "civilized" are seen as first world countries - people want to live in these industrialized places. I guess that is kind of a bad example, but even though there are morals, choice, growth, opportunity, individualism, and personal freedom in areas outside civilization, people remain inside their false reality and "civilized" society, where they do not have any of those personal things. 
I think the idea of creating human beings out of test tubes and bottles is not that far fetched and could be quite relevant. Scientists are able to take sperm and inject it into women. Stem celled research is possible. Scientists have just not taken the full step of actually creating a baby from this kind of science. And it is quite possible for scientists, as they do this, to genetically modify these growing babies into what they please. Not that crazy.
I think what is the most far fetched is the idea of the government taking over EVERYONE and having the power to make women infertile, genetically modify them, control everything they do and the way that they live their life, completely destroy evidence of the past, and create a completely new innovative world. Though it could meagerly be possible, i think that with so many different individuals in this country, it would be insanely hard to get to that point where women would not have babies, where people would destroy their morals, and live a lifestyle controlled by other human beings. the government may attempt to do this. however, i think that the individual mind by the millions is too strong to be succumbed by world power. 

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