Monday, February 4, 2008

Abercrombie and Fitch

Explain the way in which the environment of a store you frequent tries to influence you.

When i was in middle school and early highschool, i was obsessed with Abercrombie and Fitch. My parents hated that store though because of the way they advertised as well as the really loud music they play in the store. The store itself is set in blue or dark tones, which are colors that set a "chill" or cool tone. On the walls are black and white pictures of half naked teens. Most of these half -naked teens have perfectly sculpted bodies and are highly attractive. The way young men or women are portrayed in Abercrombie advertisements can certainly be a reference for Kilbourne's article. I believe it was winter of a couple years ago (they may actually still do this) when everyday around the Christmas season, a male Abercrombie model would stand just in the door way of Abercrombie and Fitch in just Christmas boxers. And of course, he had a perfectly toned body. It sounds ridiculous typing it out, but it is a clear clear example of what Kilbourne was talking about. How does this influence consumers to buy their product? First of all, it would most likely draw the attention to especially young teen girls, who this form of advertisement is appealing to anyways. The shock value is high. But more than that, Abercrombie and Fitch seems to always, without saying it, sells attraction. If you wear Abercrombie, you are attractive. You are cool. I have also heard rumors that Abercrombie does  not hire employees who are unattractive, or who do not sell "cool." Well who says what is cool? I am not sure exactly how to answer that. It evidently has to do with the way society transitions from decade to decade, and what as a whole is defined as cool. Loud music, as Abercrombie consistently plays, is often seen as being hardcore or cool. When I am in the mall, I can always hear music from Abercrombie like five stores down. Loud music is also often associated with teens. And teens are exactly who Abercrombie and Fitch is trying to attract. The blues, browns, and dark tones sell the cool chill feeling. But i believe that sex is a key way for Abercrombie and Fitch to influence their consumers. Sex, looks, attraction -> the store is filled with that. and it makes the consumer want to look and feel like that. And how can they do that? Well, they buy Abercrombie and Fitch merchandise, of course!

1 comment:

Derek Rodriguez said...

Yay Mallory! First time commenting on a blog of yours, haha!

Anyways....I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. It was truthful and interesting to read because you had alot of things to say as well as some personal stories. You are definitely right when you say the sell sex, and sexy...! Who doesn't want to be looked at in that way your getting stared at by the guys and girls on the big ass pictures!? No one...! Everyone wants to be thought of as attractive or sexy. So when you walk in to the store and you hear this loud, exciting music and a really good smell and gorgeous sales people you are obviously feeling at that moment you are amidst "coolness" and sexiness. They push these qualities because it is inherent in every human being to want to obtain them.
What I don't like about that store is what the consumers have done to it! Abercrombie has become such a staple of looking good that it is in almost every kids closet! To look good you were Abercrombie, right!? NOT! You can and will look just as hott without wearing these brand names. It's unfortunate that some kids almost feel self-conscious not wearing something every other kid has!