Sunday, February 3, 2008

wednesday class discussion

on tuesday night, my english book had not come yet, so i did not read the article by Kilbourne. but that didnt stop me from participating in the discussion! so, basically the discussion was about the effect that ads have on society, particularly ads of objectifying women, whether it is right or not, and if there could be a solution to this problem. a lot of people talked about if they dont believe the ad is right, then they wont buy their product, but another point that was brought up, which i believe in as well, that the problem really cant be solved just by one person unfortunately. the problem is in society today - that it is okay to sell yourself through ads, to in particular make women sex objects in order to sell a product. not saying that sex is bad by any means, but the way that ads portray women affects the way that society views women. meaning that in regular society - women are often viewed as inferior or sex objects to men. the issue came up in the class that this happens to men as well, which is entirely true that men are often objectified the same way women are in ads. but in truth, this happens to women much more, plus the topic of the article was more about women. but i thought the discussion was really interesting and there could be plenty of opinions, but sadly, there really was no solution to this problem, just like there was really no solution in kilbourne's article. 

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